ARC Website Spring 2014 Updates
Posted by: John Blue on April 1, 2014
Posted in: Updates
Tagged: content plan, design, strategy, website
Part one of the ARC website update was completed at the end of January. This update included an update to WordPress with a responsive design theme. This new look also incorporated improvements on how information is published. For example, the job listings and newsletters are posted individually to support better sharing on social media.
Additionally, the membership directory is now online. To keep the process simple and easy to manage, there is one username and password that the ARC staff will provide to members in the Spring 2014 ARC Newsletter.
An ARC content plan was developed to help support the update of the ARC new website. This content plan is a work in progress aimed at helping ARC members gain the most value out of their membership. Members are encouraged to participate in the development of this content plan by joining the DraftIn session edit process [link].
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.
John Blue