The Golden ARC Awards Program consists of two divisions, the “Campaigns Division” and the “Tactics Division.” Within each division, individual categories exist. Scroll down to learn more.
Campaigns Division
1. PR Campaigns – Organization or Corporate Reputation
Programs designed to enhance, promote or improve the reputation of a company or organization with stakeholders or publics. This may be proactive, or in response to an issue.
2. PR Campaigns — Brand — Reputation
Programs designed to enhance, promote or improve the reputation of a product or brand. This may be proactive or in response to an issue, crisis or event.
3. PR Campaigns – Public Affairs, Public Policy
Programs designed to impact legislation, regulation, public policy or political outcomes, or to gain pubic understanding and engagement on social issues. Activities can be conducted at any level – from community to national or international. This may include use of research, media, lobbying, grassroots and word of mouth activity, and should demonstrate results benefiting the organization sponsoring the campaign.
4. PR Campaigns – Crisis Communications
Campaign or program to address a specific crisis or unplanned event with serious or grave consequences to the organization or its stakeholders.
5. PR Campaigns – Marketing Communications for Agricultural Audiences
Programs designed to introduce or promote agricultural input products, including equipment, and services primarily to farm audiences or those who serve them (i.e. dealers)
6. PR Campaigns – Marketing Communications for Non-Ag Audiences
Programs designed to introduce or promote agricultural products – including food, fiber and byproducts – to non-agricultural audiences, including consumers.
7. PR Campaigns – Agricultural Image
Programs designed to enhance or protect the image of agriculture to primarily non-agricultural audiences, including consumers.
8. PR Campaigns – Issues Management
Programs designed to influence the outcomes of ongoing issues that impact on organizational or business strategies.
9. PR Campaigns – Internal
Programs designed to address stakeholders or publics aligned within an organization, including employees, members, dealers, franchisees or other internal segments.
10. PR Campaigns – Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability
Campaigns specifically focused on addressing environmental, social or economic issues related to agriculture, food and fiber production.
11. PR Campaigns – Financial Relations
Programs designed to educate and improve or maintain relationships with shareholders, owner/members (i.e. cooperatives), and the investment community.
12. PR Campaigns – Events and Observances
Programs and events, including anniversaries, grand openings, commemorations, celebrations, and other special or historical events.
13. PR Campaigns – Open Category
An open competition for campaigns and programs that don’t easily or clearly fit into other categories.
Tactics Division
1. Research and insight:
Research and data insights can include both primary and secondary research projects that helped refine or define target audiences; improve understanding of the market place or target audience awareness, attitudes, opinions or beliefs; identify new opportunities for markets or audience engagement; set goals or objective metrics; formulate strategies, or measure results.
2. Special Events:
Events or programs for commemorations, observances, openings, celebrations, recognition, trade shows, field days or other special events. The event may stand alone, or be part of a larger series of events or campaign.
3. Media Relations:
Media relations material can include news releases, background information, media kits, media advisories, pitch letters, requests for coverage, etc., along with the summary that includes measurable objectives and results, such as evidence of the resulting media coverage.
- 3A: Print Media Relations – Agricultural Audiences
- 3B: Print Media Relations – Non-Agricultural (consumer) Audiences
- 3C: TV Broadcast Media Relations – Agricultural Audiences
- 3D: TV Broadcast Media Relations – Non-Agricultural (consumer) Audiences
- 3E: Radio Broadcast Media Relations – Agricultural Audiences
- 3F: Radio Broadcast Media Relations – Non-Agricultural (consumer) Audiences
- 3G: Media Events and News Conferences
4. Feature Writing:
Submit the text of the feature, along with documentation of publication, target audience, objective and any results.
5. Editorial/Op-Ed Columns:
Entries may include editorials, guest columns, letters to the editor, etc. Along with the Summary outlining measurable objectives, target audience(s), results and budget, the entry should include the text of the written material and the documentation of publication.
6. Speeches
Submit the text of the speech, along with information on the audience, purpose of the speech, and any results.
7. Public Service Announcements (PSAs)
Print, audio or video PSAs of one minute or less distributed as unpaid public service announcements. Entry may include single or series of promotions addressing the same issue. Submit copy, designed print version and/or digital capture of production, along with summary addressing quantifiable results of public relations tactics addressing stated objectives.
8. Print Publications:
- 8A: Magazines and Newspapers (ongoing information to target audiences)
- 8B: Single-Issue Publications (one-time information piece to target audiences such as a brochure or handout)
- 8C: Newsletters- Print or Digital (ongoing information to target audiences)
- 8D: Posters
9. Collateral/Literature:
Communications designed to educate or elicit immediate response from the target audience. Submit the literature, and information about the target audience, objectives and any results.
10. Annual Reports:
Publications to report on an organization’s annual performance.
- 10A: Annual financial reports
- 10B: Non-financial annual reports
11: Graphic Elements
Strategic use of a visual element such as photography, illustration, or infographic in public relations. Whether found on print or digital communications, judges will consider how the image informed, motivated or influenced the target audience and how the image drove achievement of the public relations objective. Entry should include any quantifiable result of image review by target audience(s), including audience response, sharing, pinning, likes, click-through, etc.
12. Digital and Social Media:
- 12A: Podcasts (Audio files downloadable or heard online. Along with the audio, the entry should include objectives, rationale for the strategy, and any means of quantifiable measurement to support stated objectives.)
- 12B: Video (Video files downloadable or accessible via the Internet designed to achieve or enhance a public relations objective. Entry should include objectives, rationale for the strategy and any means of quantifiable measurement to support stated objectives.)
- 12C: Blogs (Web-based journals or running set of posts that communicate either a corporate, public service, or industry position. The entry should include some screen displays or downloads of the blog, the site URL, objectives, target audiences, and any measurement to support its stated objectives.)
- 12D: Webinar/Web Conferencing (Online workshops or interactive conferencing that allows public relations objectives to be achieved. Entry should include objectives, rationale for the strategy and any means of quantifiable measurement to support stated objectives.)
- 12E: Websites (This entry should include screen grabs, copies of key pages, and other pertinent visual and content representation of key elements involving use of a Web site as part of a public relations program. The entry should include the live URL, as well as objectives, target audiences and any measurement to support stated objectives.)
- 12F: Social Media (Could include use of Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Twitter or other social media networks. Entry should include objectives, rationale for the strategy and any quantifiable analytical measurements to support the stated objectives of the public relations program. Utilize screen grabs or copies of key pages to support the entry Summary, as well as the website URL for external sites.)
- 12G: Smartphone or Tablet Application [App] (Development and use of a unique, purposeful application, and/or use of an existing application, to accomplish specific stated and measurable objectives of a public relations program. Include instructions to download the application, along with information as to how target audiences will discover or find the opportunity to download the App. Entry should contain copy, screenshots of key pages and any other information to support the Summary.
13. Video or Film:
Video programs targeted to any specific internal or external audience, not typically put on the internet. Entries should be submitted in digital format and/or contain screen prints video. Summary should include documentation of results that support established objectives.
14. Direct Mailing/Direct Response:
Communications (as part of a public relations program) with a target audience intended to solicit a specific, immediate response by that group. Entry Summary should include the measurable actions by the target audience that occur as the sole consequence of the single or multiple-outreach program. If entry includes a three-dimensional mailing, a physical sample can be mailed and/or an adequate image of the item be attached.
15. Unique Tactics and Executions – Open Category
This category is open to any entry, but specifically designed to recognize new, emerging and non-traditional strategic or tactical approaches to public relations execution, and/or surprisingly creative tactical approaches to reaching public relations objectives.