ARC Awards Two Scholarship Winners for 2017
Posted by: Kristy on April 19, 2017
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APRIL 19, 2017
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Den Gardner, 952/758-5811, OR
Kristi Gardner,
ARC Awards Two Scholarship Winners for 2017
NEW PRAGUE, MN, APRIL 19, 2017 — Alexa Nordwald of the University of Missouri and Shalin Lawson of West Texas A&M University have been named the 2017 ARC Scholarship winners. Alexa is pursuing a Science and Agricultural Journalism degree, with her goal to graduate in May of 2019. Shalin, a Science-Agricultural Media & Communication major, plans to graduate in May of 2018.
ARC reinstituted its scholarship program in 2015 after an absence of several years. Last year’s winner was JD Rosman of Oklahoma State University. Thanks to donations to the ARC Foundation from many members and Hall of Fame recipients, the program awarded two $1,500 scholarships this year. ARC leadership is enhancing its programs for college students and adding a second scholarship this year is one example. ARC is committed to promoting careers in ag communications after graduation.
Alexa’s experience and leadership involvement includes: Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute, Residential Life – Schurz Hall, Missouri FFA Association State Vice President, CAFNR Corner Post Newspaper Staff, Agricultural Communicators and Leaders of Tomorrow and the National Association of Farm Broadcasters. She has been awarded the MU Curator’s Scholar, awarded to students at the top five percent of their graduating class with an ACT of 28 or higher, the Spierse Fund in Agriculture Scholar and the Litton Leadership Scholar.
Her professional goals include becoming a communications director for an agribusiness company or commodity group and would like to help educate people about the benefits of becoming involved in agriculture. “Being a Missouri FFA state officer opened up opportunities for me to further my communication skills by giving speeches and workshops to groups of high school students, stakeholders and state legislators. I wrote blog posts, created podcasts and maintained the social media pages for the organization. I hope to use my verbal communication skills in order to give workshops for other young agriculturalists and I hope to use my writing skills to reach a wider audience from social media campaigns to company magazines,” she says.
Says Keith Dietzschold, Missouri State FFA executive secretary: “Alexa offers a very positive set of skills and attitude. Her humility, self-confidence, work ethic, energy, sacrifice and focus are the traits she exhibits in achieving success.”
Shalin’s leadership involvement and honors includes: Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Scholar, San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo Scholar, Outstanding Agricultural Media & Communication Underclassman, WTAMU Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow 2nd Vice President, WTAMU President’s List, Roger’s LEAD WT Scholar, WTAMU President’s Ambassador, KWTS 91.1 FM Radio Station, WTAMU Leadership Summit. Her experience includes: Intern/Blog Composer, Social Media Manager, Backdrop Assistant/Photographer and Agribusiness Special Correspondent.
Her career goals are in the agricultural industry where she hopes to work in communications for an agricultural commodity group. Her plan is to first gain a Master of Science in Agriculture. “In my Media Writing class at West Texas A&M, I learned to write for print, online, broadcast, news, advertising, and public relations platforms. Throughout my life, I hope to give back to agriculture as much as it has given to me.”
Says Missy Macon, leadership coordinator at West Texas A&M University: “Shalin works hard and takes great satisfaction from being productive. She takes ownership and is committed to all things she involves herself in.”
For more information about the ARC Scholarship, please go to